June Aspects

(A note as to monthly aspects… Each of us will be affected in our own unique way by the aspects of the month at large. Always remember that these are but a mere example of how the energies could present; there are infinite combinations; we are simply getting a feel for the energies at play. Also, know that we are talking about orbs of time, not limiting to exact days. For exmaple a few days before or after an exact aspect. To look at specifics for you personally, you’ll need the details of your own natal chart. If you’d like to investigate your chart on a deeper level, feel free to book a reading with me.)

As would to be expected in Gemini the midst of Gemini season, June begins with lots on the to do list. There’s a building of airy energies that need to be juggled through the middle of the month but towards the end of the month those give way to calmer water energies that will bring us back into a more peaceful flow.

3rd - Sun Conjunct Venus + Mercury enters Gemini 

6th - New Moon in Gemini

8th - Venus Square Saturn

9th - Sun Square Saturn + Mars enters Taurus

11th - Mars Square Pluto

12th - Mercury Square Saturn

14th - Mercury Conjunct Sun

17th - Mercury & Venus enter Cancer together

21st - Summer Solstice + Sun Enters Cancer + Cancer Full Moon

29th - Saturn Retrogrades 


June Aspects