June Aspects

We have an intense start to this month. From day 1 we’re in the eclipse window, which is sure to usher in change. Venus and Pluto are the eclipse rulers so women, relationships, self worth, money, trust, sex, secrets, scandals, and power are topics we’ll be engaged with. This space between eclipses is an opportunity for self improvement and empowerment via weeding out what is no longer serving you and strengthening what is. Could it mean having to move through your deepest seated fears? Yes, Pluto has a way of making sure there’s nowhere to run or hide but only in order to hell-p you become the most empowered and fulfilled version of yourself. 

2nd - Venus ingress (enters) Aries. She’s feisty and passionate in this placement. All that was dreamed of or planned while Venus was in Pisces begins to shift and form. We could find ourselves taking more action towards manifesting financial goals, being more passionate lovers, or having more direct communication with our partner/business partner. If something needs to change in a relationship, Venus in Aries isn’t shy about bringing it up for discussion. Aries has a direct approach to problem solving or accomplishing the task at hand. 

5th - Sun conjunct Uranus. Think spontaneous combustion. However, these two are meeting in Taurus which helps to ground this energy a bit. Uranus can bring surprises and rebellion. Shocking information could have a profound effect. Breakthroughs can be potent and illuminating. Taurus is our finances and financial systems. Uranus is innovation. And, the Sun brings the energetic fuel to catalyze change. Within this Sun/Uranus cycle we could see many unexpected changes on the world stage. 

10th - Jupiter enters Aries and forms an aspect to Mercury just as it turns retrograde. We may be expanding upon, adding another layer to something, or feeling inspired to redo a project that was started previously. On another hand we could also experience a major miscommunication. Jupiter likes to go big and Aries likes to go hard. Both of these are the fire element so we may feel our drive start to reignite, which may be appreciated after all the water energy we had with many planets Pisces. Once Mars enters Aries too, things will really get in motion. 

15th - Total Lunar eclipse in Scorpio. This is a big energy and there could be a lot of emotions leading up to it since Scorpio is the most intense water sign. Scorpio is the home of death and rebirth, fears, hidden agendas, occult knowledge, transformation, sex, power, and corruption to name a few. You know, the light topics of life ;) The next few months will be telling as far as what we need to let go of in order for powerful growth to happen. Saturn is in the mix here too, forming a square. This could have the feeling of knowing what needs to happen but for one reason or another it’s blocked. Saturn requires responsibility and dedication. The work we are doing on ourselves may be challenging, but our efforts and willingness to take an honest look at what needs to shift will pay off.

21st - The Sun enters Gemini and forms a conjunction to Mercury. This is a beautiful aspect for communication, meetings, sales, and short trips. The caveat though is Mercury is retrograde in this equation, so maybe take in information but wait to make any finite decisions or sign on the dotted line until after Mercury turns direct. 

24th - Mars enters Aries. Annnd go. As the ruler of Aries, Mars brings passion, action, vitality, courage at his best. At his worst anger, conflict, wounds, and war. Mars won’t be by himself in Aries , oh no, he’ll be with Jupiter, Chiron, Venus, and the moon (for a brief moment).  Ambition and inspiration could run high when Jupiter and Mars conjunct. We could feel focused, optimistic and committed to carrying out our plans. Good for us! We will need that drive, since Mercury’s retrograde and we may have plenty of do overs before traction happens. Perseverance is the name of the game. Hostilities could also fire up at this time. Perhaps we could all pause for a moment and visualize the most beneficial outcome should anything arise. 

30th - Gemini new Moon. There’s a lighter quality here thanks to this air sign. Whew! This is a great time to set intentions for short term projects, gather data, socialize, or hang out with siblings. Gemini is our curiosity and desire to know. If there’s anything you have been wanting to study, now’s a great time to start.


June Aspects