How does Astrology work?

How does astrology work?

The most basic of answers is that astrology works the same way a clock or a calendar works. It’s is a form of 

Chronometry [khru-nom-i-tree]

Noun. the measurement of time by periods or divisions

We use clocks to measure movement throughout the day in 12 hour increments. We use the 12 calendar months to measure movement through longer cycles; days, weeks, months, years. We use astrology to measure planetary movement through the 12 zodiac signs.  

The divisions of the zodiac are no different than the face of a clock. And, just like the numbers of a clock always remain in the same position, the zodiac signs remain in their respective places. As the planets circle the zodiac, or a natal chart, they act as hands pointing to what time it is from an energetic, elemental, experiential, and/or archetypal vantage point. 

With the months, we observe revolving energies that are categorized by qualities and attributes. For instance, in April we say it’s spring and a time of renewal, at least in the northern hemisphere. The temperatures become warmer, the flora bloom, and the fauna birth their young. The zodiac sign Aries is categorized by descriptions such as active, hot, a time of new beginnings or intense focus. The signs serve as umbrellas for potential experiences and interactions. In fact, everything that we perceive in our reality can be sorted into the 12 zodiac signs. The time at which a native is born determines where they have entered the cycle and what the house placements will be.  

Can you imagine for a second that you’re in conversation with someone and you say, “Oh, it’s 6 o’clock. It’s time for dinner.” and the person laughs and says, “Wow, hahaha. You think you can tell what time it’re crazy.”. Or perhaps you say,” When summer rolls around next year...” and they’re like, “you think you can predict when summer will come around again? You must be delusional if you believe in that stuff.” It sounds rather ridiculous when put like this but every astrologer out there has had moments of being laughed or looked at like you’re an absolute nutter. Could it be that the evidence for astrology has been there all along? Perhaps we just weren’t taught to consciously recognize these cycles from a young age like we are the weeks, months, and years.

There is a time and place for everything. It's much easier to move through life when we understand when the appropriate time is. To use a surfing analogy, if you paddle too soon or too late, you may not get the ride you were looking for. Astrology allows us to understand what time it is now and plan for what is to come, be it in our mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual existence.

If we wanted to take the conversation further, and delve into a physics perspective, we might start here…

Arthur C. Clark once said, “Magic’s just science that we don’t understand yet.” Conceivably, the same could be said about astrology. There is a structure and order that underlies everything in the universe. It can be easy to forget in the 3D world simply because our senses are limited and although the James Webb is working on it, we don’t currently have a full birds eye view of our Universe, unless you’re adept at astral travel. The good news is we don’t need one as long as certain concepts are understood. 

The opening sequence of the movie Contact begins with a telescope ascending from Earth, panning out beyond our local planets, our solar system, and galaxy. As it’s doing this it’s also picking up radio waves from long ago that are still traveling through space. Although the details aren’t a hundred percent accurate, it does beautifully demonstrate what a shift in perspective reveals. The Earth is but a tiny spec in close proximity to the other planetary specs in our solar neighborhood.  

Earth, and every other planet, vibrates at its own specific frequency. The molecular movement creates waves that radiate outwardly from each celestial body; imagine ripples from a pebble being thrown in a pond. Just like radio waves, these will go on forever unless they hit another body. Astrology is the observance of the effects of those planetary waves on Earth.

As a planet moves closer or further, we feel the effects differently. What's the difference between standing next to a person talking through a bullhorn or being across a field from them? The closer you are the stronger you feel the effect of the sound waves. You can’t see them but you sure as heck can feel them! The frequencies of other planets do indeed play an influential part in our experience here on Earth. This is the basis of astrology.

If we go deeper into a quantum perspective, things get even more interesting. Back in the 1930’s, scientists including Einstein and Schrödinger discovered the phenomenon of quantum entanglement which revealed that everything is connected in a very real, yet non physical way. Quantum entanglement, the connectivity and simultaneous behavior of objects regardless of space and time, has now been recognized by the most brilliant minds in the world. This is why here on Earth we can be affected by a star from lightyears away.

The next 20 years of Pluto transiting Aquarius are sure to bring much deeper and more profound insight as to the science behind astrology. A system like astrology wouldn’t have span millenia if there wasn’t something to it. Every ancient culture revered, lived their lives by, the cyclical nature of the heavens. At this time of accelerated evolution, we are coming back around to seeing the value from a “w-holistic” perspective of life. Within the grand scheme, astrology applies valuable insight and meaning to the gaps we face in our modern operating system. Knowledge of the great cosmic clock allows us to glean deeper insight and wisdom from our life and the world around us.