
Moon Voids:

Dates & Times

Chart via Cafe Astrology

What does it mean when the moon is void?

 The moon plays an extremely important role in our existence here on Earth. Our energies are inextricably linked as our gravities intertwine in the most intimate of ways. Luna’s influence on our bodies and minds cannot be denied. The push and pull as she waxes and wanes sets a rhythm deep within us. She is a dynamic reflector of other celestial energies and she often works as a catalyst for inner and outer experiences. 

Revolving around us in a roughly 28 day orbit, she moves through each zodiac sign in 2.5ish days, making many aspects to other planets and points along the way. Once she has made her last major aspect before moving into the next sign, the term “void of course” applies. These can range anywhere from a couple of hours to a day.

Moon voids are basically “off air” time, for those of us old enough to remember what that was, haha. They can be like a little Bermuda Triangle in time. They have Mercury retrograde-esque feel to them. Things that are physically instigated within them may end up not going according to plan. WTF moments abound. It can be as if nothing takes root, or what does, needs to be refined in some form or fashion. These are not the best times to set meetings, sign papers, go on a first date, get married, or basically to begin anything (that you want to stick anyway). Nancy Regan’s astrologer once said, and I’m paraphrasing here, that Nancy and Ronald would schedule potentially threatening meetings during void of course moons so that nothing would become of them. 

So what are VOCs good for? Meditating, reflecting, going within. These are a wonderful time to take a break and recharge. It’s an energetic pause of sorts to take a beat before the next wave of aspects begin. In a perfect world, we would be able to hang the “do not disturb” sign on the door for our bosses or children to read. However, sometimes work is demanding or kids stand at the door incessantly asking what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, or when will lunch be ready, even though you gave them a snack 10 minutes ago. So, if energy must be spent in these times, just stick to things that are already in flow, maintenance type of activities.