The Triple conjunction of Uranus, Mars, & Rahu: A R-evolutionary Catalyst of Change

On August 1st, Uranus, Mars, and the North Node will all conjunct at 18 degrees Taurus. We are within the energies of this co-mingling now. In astrology we’re always looking at now moments, short term and long term cycles. The effects of this will definitely be seen and felt within a 2 week orb of the exact transits but there’s more to the story, as there always is in astrology. A new Mars/Uranus cycle (2 yrs), Uranus North Node cycle (15yrs) will also be commencing. When these three conjoin, which isn’t often, evolutionary changes occur. To better understand this transit, let’s look at the planets individually for a second. 

Uranus, “ The Great Awakener”, is well known for evolution and revolution, innovation, surprises, upheavals, and humanitarian efforts. Space, science, extra-terrestrials, and technologies fall under its umbrella as well. Energies under the influence of Uranus are unpredictable so whenever Uranus is involved in an aspect, we are wise to expect the unexpected. Will we have a breakthrough or a breakdown, or both?! 

Mars carries with it the energy of force and focus, willpower, ambition, aggression, war, and from it’s traditional rulership, taxes, sex, death and rebirth. When Mars is at the forefront, we can push to accomplish a goal, or swing between too much drive, or at times, too little. 

Rahu  North Node) is a point, not a planet. Wherever it’s placed we experience an insatiable need for more and more information and experiences having to do with the topics of a particular sign and house. Rahu is what we are moving towards. This point has a mate, Ketu, that’s exactly opposite. Rahu is associated with egotistic gains, Ketu, with spiritual ones. 

And now let’s look at the sign of Taurus. Food supply, livestock, the earth itself, resources, healing, what we value, currencies and the economy belong to this fixed Earth sign. 

So many amazing possibilities lie within this conjunction. Could potentially shocking revelations and/or actions be what frees us from our comfort zones and propels us in a whole new direction? Yes. As the South Node, Ketu is in Scorpio we can expect buried or secret information to surface. What will be exposed next that will usher in necessary change? 

Earthquakes, fires, or other natural disasters often do accompany the hook up of these planets (and points). Uranus and Mars combo is explosive, figuratively or literally. Pressure has been building from the micro to the macro, from the Earth to the people. Rack this as a time not to push any unnecessary buttons. There’s no stopping the r-evolutionary wheel from turning. The people are standing against governments and corporations more every day. Add a recession in economically with the spark of this powerful conjunction and watch chaos reign. But, let’s not lose sight of what follows a period like this…complete transformation, a renaissance in so many fields that will better life as we know it. 

Uranus in Taurus, where it will be until August 2025, is indicative of a new economic system being formed. Crypto currencies are here to stay, legitimate ones, not trash coins. A decentralized, meaning no one “owns” it,  network of exchange and store of value might just  liberate humans from the manipulation of the archaic, corrupt banking system. However, it would be silly to think that the old system will go down without a fight. Saturn has been squaring Uranus off and on for a couple of years now. It’s the push and pull between the old and the new. Central Bank Digital Currencies are the big banks' and the Federal Reserve's next moves, another application of technologies (Uranus) and money(Taurus). It’s imperative to know the difference between crypto currencies and CBDC. It would be a prudent time to start learning about both of them. 

Perhaps some of the most exciting potentials to ponder are the ones having to do with new technologies that will help heal the world on many levels. Inventions that can create free energy using the energy fields and elements of the Earth already exist. They now have real possibilities to make their way to the public over the next 15 years. Healing frequency technologies should progress rapidly in areas such as regeneration and rejuvenation. Permaculture and new methods of farming will allow us to replenish the nutrients in soil that have been so brutally stripped away, allowing our beautiful planet and our bodies to thrive. Our expanding understanding of sacred geometry could shift the way we build, creating structures that are more organic and harmonious in nature. 

A more obscure topic, though becoming less and less, is that of disclosure. Disclosure of what you ask? Our Extraterrestrial heritage maybe? Or that we’re not alone in the universe or on this planet? Soft disclosure has already started as anyone can now peruse a vast data bank of information released by the CIA on the existence and understanding of things such as stargates, portals, remote viewing, etc. Once Uranus ingresses into Gemini, these conversations will be mainstream.

The Uranus, Mars, North Node conjunction is a fascinating one, globally, for sure. Individually the house of Taurus in one's chart will be impacted in a compelling way by this alignment. You may find yourself in an entirely different set of circumstances than you imagined or inspired to create something totally new. We will, of course, utilize this energy in a way that is unique to our own individual expression. That said, our personal consciousness is always feeding back into the collective so we are all truly riding the wave of this catalytic conjunction together.  


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