Saturn in Pisces

Saturn in Pisces means a significant turn of events for each of us. Wherever Saturn goes we experience new lessons so that we may move further into mastery.

It has a well earned reputation as a ball buster (be prepared for a Piscean pain in the ass or two) but when we truly process the lessons and act responsibly, we are much stronger and wiser from Saturn's transit. 

Think of Saturn as the Mr. Myogi of planets, a strict, no nonsense sensei, conditioning us through practical and efficient methods. Wax on, wax off. Saturn directs our attention to the literal work that needs to happen in order to accomplish our goals. Saturn in Pisces says,” Get your head out of the clouds and take the actions to make your dreams reality.” We all need a swift kick in the pants occasionally and Saturn dutifully provides one. 

On the other hand, the energy of Pisces is a lighter more mutable energy, nebulous instead of concrete and it gives us the ability to see things from a birds eye view so we get the big picture. Pisces is our spiritual, or our higher perspective. When we have certain planets transit pisces we gain access to higher states of awareness. Neptune the ruler of Pisces has been in its home sign since 2011, highlighting spiritual growth in its best expression, delusion or manipulation at its worst. 

So what of the transit of Saturn in Pisces?

With astrology we are always pondering possibilities within a spectrum. There used to be an old commercial for peanut butter cups where two people bumped into each other. One says, “Hey, you got your chocolate in my peanut butter”, and the other says, “ You got your peanut butter on my chocolate”. Energetically, this is a bit what it’s like. 

Saturn in Pisces can be a softening of Saturn's hard edges, just as the flowing current of a river smooths the hardest stone that lies within it, or in can bring form to concepts and ideas, but it may also bring some stagnation where there was flow before. 

A Few things Saturn in Pisces is about…

Spiritual maturity 

On a personal level we can work with this energy by asking ourselves

“How can I bring more meaning to the work I am doing?” 

Pisces wants us to understand why the work is important to our soul. Saturn asks us to dedicate to the work so that we may strengthen our resolve in it. If your work isn’t fulfilling, Saturn could rid you of it in order to connect you with work that’s more in alignment with your purpose.

“What are some practical steps I can take towards achieving more alignment with my spiritual goals or higher purpose?”

Saturn in pisces can be fabulous for establishing spiritual discipline, whatever that looks like for you; maybe that’s dedicating to a solid yoga or meditation practice, or journaling, or anything else that truly makes your heart overflow.

On a collective basis, spiritual maturity could look more like accepting and honoring the spiritual beliefs of others. Something like “cancel” culture may evolve to “inviting change” culture. Yes, there are definitely times when enough is enough. In fact, Saturn in Pisces is great for establishing healthy boundaries. But, perhaps the lesson here is  not to throw the baby out with the bath water. Recognizing disharmony and rejecting or pushing it away is much different than recognizing, addressing, and integrating. The former causes more dis-ease, the later healing. 

Mental Health, Addictions and Psychedelics

Addressing mental health is a complex issue. With the amount of work and stress that almost everyone is now experiencing, mental dis-ease is commonplace. Anxiety is running rampant, even amongst our youngest members of society. Saturn in Pisces will emphasize how much the world needs to prioritize work/life balance for mental wellbeing. “The Right to Disconnect” is in effect in Europe, basically stating that companies can’t require communication or work to be done outside of business hours. We could see the adoption of more policies like this…fingers crossed. 

Addiction is another topic that will be in the spotlight. Addictions could become much more intense with this transit, showing us where we need to form a balance. Alcoholics Anonymous began with Saturn in Pisces. Most of us have an addiction of one kind or another. At this time we may find ourselves ready to finally cut out that “one thing”. Saturn can actually make it easier to cut the cord for many of us. Willpower is a great Saturn attribute. 

Psychedelics fall under the Piscean umbrella and are now being recognized for the healing benefits they provide. They can be extremely beneficial for healing addictions, working through traumas, and putting life into perspective but at the same time, they’re not for everyone. Saturn will call for responsibility around the use of this medicine and others as they find their place in the world of therapy. The legalization of other plant medicines like marijuana, mushrooms, etc., will continue and we may even see progress nationally. 


Saturn in Pisces will call attention to oceans, lakes, rivers, and rain, as well as the fluids in our bodies. There is no doubt it’s time to purify our source of life. 

Saturn tends to have a drying effect. We may notice this in the environment around us or within our own body, especially the feet and hands. Hydration is key. Hydration could be taken a step further by taking in water mostly from natural sources, like springwater, preferably bottled in glass over plastic. Purification is another Piscean word.

Research that has been done by pioneers such as Dr. Masaru Emoto, Patrick Flannigan, and Nassim Haramein to name a few, on the geometry, properties, and behavior of water is nothing short of mind blowing. Water acts in a highly conductive way much like crystals work in our computers. The water that you drink is incredibly important, it’s literally feeding information to the cells of your body. Water treatment plants taint the healing ability of water with chemicals and metals. It becomes toxic instead of purifying. In a best case scenario of this transit, governments would finally stop putting fluoride in the water, which would greatly improve the health and wellbeing of all. 

If you're interested, here's the link to a fascinating conversation about the structure of water with Nassim Haramein, on Youtube.

The movie Messages in the Water is about Dr. Masaru Emoto’s findings throughout his decades of research. 

A movie coinciding with the beginning of this transit is Avatar: The Way of Water. It encompasses many Saturn in Pisces themes. 

Lastly, let's talk about what may be the most miraculous degrees of the entire Zodiac. The last few degrees of Pisces encompass endings, transmutations and ascension. 

Neptune, the planet that rules Pisces, is associated with confusion, and there's a reason for that. The end of one thing and the beginning of another can be hard to differentiate.  In the end, what was, dissipates. It breaks down into an imperceivable, particulate state; the caterpillar turning to goo in the chrysalis. There’s no discernible form, but somehow, as if by magic, the butterfly comes into being and takes flight. 

There is a divine plan, or source program, a code, whatever you want to call it, providing the blueprint of life on earth. This is proven by the fact that fractals exist. Nothing is born without a plan. We can also look around our planet and see that everything that has been created by humans started as an idea first. 

If There is something that's been percolating in the back of your mind, the thing you find yourself daydreaming about, perhaps it's time to manifest the blueprint.

When we use Saturn productively it reeks less havoc because we provide an outlet for that energy. Saturn is wonderful for manifesting dreams into reality.

The end of this transit will be a notable one for sure. Saturn and Neptune, the ruler of Pisces will join at the last degrees of Pisces and cross into Aries together. This will be an interesting time for humanity as we learn to care for ourselves as a whole, as one people. We are going through a rapid rate of evolution which this conjunction will highlight. What are we capable of accomplishing next? We’ll see how it all plays out…


The Enigma of Eclipses